An enthusiastic dreamer, I'll aim low and often get results. It would be optimistic to say I've contributed to the sum total of human knowledge; I prefer to think that I've dotted a couple of i's and crossed a few t's.
Hobbies include replying in the negative to #permanent #junior #.Net #developer jobs
I've been known to write javascript and css for some world-reknowned companies, most of it of questionable quality.
Below are links; you may click them.
Limpics site.
Clothes for the slender youth.
Oi oi, lads. Cars. Cars and lads.
I used to love snake.
Pick one at random... there's a chance I embedded a swf on it or did their HTML emails. Go Lotus Notes.
Get in touch... actually don't, I'm very unsociable.
@johnlund is definitely not my twitter name.